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Friday, May 22, 2009

Nazir datang nazir datang!!

in case some of you didn't know, smk lok yuk joined a 'sekolah cemerlang' competition, where they see which school is the sekolah cemerlang, in the whole of malaysia.

lok yuk's pengetua, teachers, students, workers mostly were all very busy for the past 2 weeks or so, ensuring that lok yuk is in it's best condition before the guy from johor i think (whom we call nazir) comes to take marks for the competition.

'best condition' would include getting seni kreatif students to miss class and draw the wall..like.. even 1 month ahead of the date when nazir comes..

and getting students to decorate notice boards all around school like crazy..

pengetua also got workers to come repaint many areas of the school. and f6s had to paint the carpark.. kasian. XD

and every club was in charge of a taman (taman angkat) , considering lok yuk got alot of tamans (alot of tamans meh..) and every club had to clean the taman angkat. and get rid of the fallen leaves.. and name every plant in the taman.. and if the taman got pond, gotta clean the green colour water... and..the school got workers again to help cut down some wood..so the taman look neater..

persatuan seekers' very own taman angkat. taman wawasan. =D many thanks to tanya who was in charge..threw all the taman angkat responsibilities to her and jons. hehehe.. in the end everyone agreed that taman wawasan very very clean liao. =D after all the sweat and tan we got from cleaning.. even teacher roseline was happy. that's a first. XD

my class even had a tiny taman in our class.. O.o two taman, actually..

and 2 days before nazir was suppose to come, christ d'ze made a hole in the class door while trying to get it to open. he was so smart he took paper to cover up the hole...

and the paper looked horribly dull and awkward on the door.. so i offered to draw some mumble jumble stuff, to make it look like the papers were meant to be there.. this is the draft and the real drawing of the first picture on the door. took a long time on this... lol..

second draft. i drew the real drawing in school. this took a shorter time.. thought it was prettier though. XD

and on thursday aka yesterday, the whole school was so excited. nazir datang! XD we had most of the teachers wearing batik. O.o and had pancaragam and 24 chinese drums to perform to welcome the 6 nazir to enter lok yuk (i just love pancaragam and 24 chinese drums). super big fuss man.. all the teachers that weren't teaching at that hour had to line up at the gate of lok yuk. akj pengawas had to line up too. O.o and when the nazir did arrive, the whole school were nervous. teacher carol even made some of my classmates memorize the visi and misi of the school, saying that nazir will come to class and pick by random any student to recite visi and misi. lol.. that didn't happen..

everyone was on best behaviour. girls all clip hair, guys all tuck in shirt, take kad pass when going to toilet, make the least noise in class, appear inteligent in class-answer correctly the questions that teacher asked, we had powerpoint for maths class, for the first time ever. and presentation as well.. O.o

the paling keng thing was that the students all lined up in the malay stall during canteen. O.O that never happened. there were no prefect asking them to line up, no nothing. and they lined up. wa.....

izzat (classmate) went to toilet while nazir was in school. his buku urus diri aka toilet book kena nazir check. O.o dunno check for what.. XD
hmmm.. dunno la.. after all this, i feel that it's kinda fake. we even had sudut bacaan in canteen and gallery. O.o all the efforts to perfect our school is just cz of the competition. if we did not join this competition, the pondoks in school wouldn't have been repainted in bright colours. the fishes in the pond would still be swimming in green mossy water. students and teachers wouldn't have to create long scientific names for plants for the taman angkat for the sake of putting the names there.. O.o

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