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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

God has His plans, even for the little baby

Today I received devastating news. My colleague lost her baby. She was 5 months pregnant man. 5 months.

Imagine the feeling of loss and grief. And throughout today, I've wondered many times: 'why God?' She was the perfect person to be a parent. I've never seen anyone controlling kids as well as she does. And she's one of the most joyful, smiley person I've ever met. Adding onto that, she was incredibly excited over her pregnancy. Like seriously, not 1 week pass by when I don't see her face lighting up with joy when she talks about the baby. Moreover, the entire staff in KIS were just as excited as she was. Almost everytime someone pass by her, they would comment about her belly. 'Your belly is beginning to show!', and a huge grin would be plastered on her face.

Today was the first day of going back to KIS after a 3 week holiday. All the staff were talking about the disheartening news. And as I pondered on my original question, I remembered what I read yesterday during devotion:

Things happen not because we don't have enough faith, or because we do not pray enough. God is in control of everything and He has His own plans, for the better. And nothing we can do can change God's plans.

Isaiah 46:10 - I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say ' My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.'

I may not know why God did what He did, but I am assured that He knows what He's doing. And I hope my dear colleague knows that too.

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