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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lima S Empat? Kelas saya la tu....

i am so annoyed with my class.. half my class act like monkeys. not to say
i'm mature or something. but they act like monkeys. literally.
monkeys and dogs that bark
till they learn howda fly

okay so forgive me on my harshness and bad moodness,
but they really know howda behave like normal f5s
that are actually worried for spm.

had physic2 and physics3 today. wasn't really prepared. heh..

and in the midst of the annoyance for not being able to answer properly,
my class, like every other exam, were
screaming and walking about..during exam. and all the
kind-hearted and super patient teachers only smile and
ask them nicely to keep quiet
or sit down. some teachers even bawa student talk.
my goodness.. exam la..-.-

i couldn't stand it after a while, which was..
20 minutes before our paper needed to
be handed up. so i marah la.. then they stare at me.
then they quiet down for 5 minutes. that was the
happiest moment of the entire exam. and after
five minutes, they resume their habits of animalisme. -.-

and it's not like you tegur them and then they listen
and keep quiet. they'll be like talking about everything in the world.
and then someone would get pissed:
"ui diam ba.."

then the noisy half of the class imitates in sarcasm and glee:
"uiiiiiiiiiiiii diam ba.. tau ka exam skrang niiiiiii.."
" uiiiiiiiiiiii knapa bising sangat.. ui uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii diam leeeee........... nanti kena marah oh.." 'uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, sijil pelajaran malaysia kamu nanti kau mau fail?" "uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.............................."

and then kan.. the noisy people yang ask me for answers,
after the exam, before passing paper up to teacher.

"eh power de unit is it watts?"

and etc etc on everything else they did to make my class interesting today..

it seems that they don't care how every other student that aren't joining their care-less being don't wanna fail for every single subject. that they don't care how practically all the teachers give up on my class already. that they don't care how our class teacher don't even wanna teach us due to the
lack of respect for teachers and energy put into studying
and listening in class
when teacher's teaching and the
endless complaints teacher gets for our class's misbehavior.
that my class got labeled unofficially as the worse class in the
whole sidang pagi, dicipline wise. that they don't care if they fail their final super-duper important exam, a combination of 5 years in secondary school.
that they don't care about their future. don't care about what if they needa go
repair the road or something to find money in the future. or work
for dbkk and pungut sampah. yea sure they get
like rm300 per house for emptying the rubbish bin and that's quite alot to earn.
but hey i don't wanna work with banana peels and
cockroaches crawling out from the rubbish bin..

it is so obvious, that
i really don't like my class. -.-
can't concentrate..
applied for another class already
but the school doesn't allow us to switch classes this year.
except when pecutan. heh...

~17 years old. leaders of the school. acting 10 times worse than a 7 year old kid.
oh wow what's happening to this world..

oh tadi pn chung came to invigilate my class,
it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
she garang ba..-.- lol..
she also cut my friend's hair during exam. XD XD


  1. I know how u felt u being in 5S4... I experienced all that a former S4 myslef, yes it's hard to focus. C'mon never give up.... U can do it.

  2. *hugs* You'll be fine.. Hang in there, yeah? I suppose this happens in every school.. Even KCC as well lolx. The boys I hang out with are SIMPLY RIDICULOUS sometimes!

    All my love,
