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Thursday, April 30, 2009


i don't understand why people gossip. yes, again i shall blog about the evilness of the tongue. i realised that christians actually do gossip alot. especially christians, somehow....

hmmm..lets say given a situation, your friend got family problems. and told his friend. and that friend told a friend, who told a friend, who told a friend, who told a friend.................

my question is, if your friend yang got family problems that one, if he told one friend, how come that friend wanna tell another friend? and that friend let another friend know? what's the whole point? it's not called being concern for your friend or sharing your distress of your friend with someone else who pass it to everyone else. it's called gossiping. lashon hara. if your friend wanted the whole wide whole to know, he would've told them himself.

this world is so full of gossipers. i'm still surprised that people go round gossiping. i mean, kalau saya kan, if i was being gossiped about last time. i would learn that it hurt for everyone to know about my personal stuff, therefore i would stop gossiping. i thought normal people would react that way, you get gossiped about, you get upset and hurt, you don't gossip after that cz you feel their pain and understand how they feel. but nooooooo......apparantly you get gossiped about, you get upset and hurt, then you go round gossiping about other people, then they feel upset and hurt..and the whole bitter cycle repeats itself.

what's the whole point of gossiping anyway? it's not like it's fun, it hurts others. it's not like it's beneficial to anyone in the whole wide world. it's destroys self-esteems. it's stupid and immature and snobbish. the whole world hates gossip, because they've been gossiped about too. yet, the whole world still gossip. like dude..is this registering in your head? don't you see how unreasonable and foolish it is to gossip?

know what else gossiping does? gossiping makes you bitter. true right? whenever we gossip, it's all about the negative. we always talk about negative stuff, even though it doens't involve us or concerns us. but talking about negative stuff means being negative. being negative means making you all moody and emo and angry. why do you wanna be all moody and emo and angry over something that doesn't involves/concern you? -.- it's weird. i would think that people would want to be happy instead of bitter.

okay fine.. all the disadvantages of gossip is up there. what about the advantages of gossip? hmmm.. i'll list it out..

advantages of gossipping:

-improves your language

-so that you know about others (busybody! phat gua! *points finger*)

-bonding between friends

-makes you realise just how many gossipers are there in the world

isn't it just a pile of rubbish? list out all the advantages and disadvantages of gossip and you get this. so why gossip?

i wonder, have anyone of you ever thought about putting yourself in someone else's shoes when you talk about them. what would it feel like if others talk about you? would there be an outpour of delightfulness? would you be filled with joy you could jump around in the streets like crazy? wouldn't you feel awkward, embrassed, betrayed, hate? wouldn't you? i wish everyone would just think about this for a moment. that a few minutes of pleasure for yourself to gossip actually causes so much hurt for another. is it really worth it to gossip? wouldn't gossip seem horribly selfish and unreasonable? how selfish of those who gossip.

i know la.. gossiping is just something that happens. someting that everyone does. but aren't christians suppose to be different? to be set apart and not follow they ways of the world? what's so hard about taking a millisecond to think about the negatives of gossiping when you are about to spread rumors about someone?

heard about a preaching on this before. it stated that:

- gossip = making negative statements even if true / sarcasm

- the one gossiping: trusted less, possibly be gossiped about

- the victim: (gossiping is closer to murder than stealing,
gossiping kills one's personality)

- the one spoken to: also considered gossiping, even though only
listen and didn't say anything

- we are only suppose to make negative statements which are true for
protection of another, correction of a fact or counselling of another

- Leviticus 19:16-17 "Do not go about spreading slander among
your people. do not do anything that endangers your neighbour's life. I am the
Lord. do not hate your brother in your heart. rebuke your neighbour
frankly so you will not share in his guilt."

there you have it. the bible even told us not to gossip.

i'm not blogging about this cz i've got nothing to do (exam now la). not because i do not understand the thrill of discussing 'the issue of the day'. but because i want everyone to be able to read this and quit gossiping. my whole point of gossiping is that it is useless and stupid. and the devil uses it to destroy the victims and the gossipers aka, the whole world.

so?? so don't gossip liao la for goodness sake. for the sake of yourself/others, don't gossip la..

and i sincerly apologise to those i have ever spreaded a rumor about. sorry.. >.< =( if i could unwind the clock to stop myself i would.

James 1:26 "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless."

(oh and if you guys are wondering about my previous post, isn't it called gossiping, it's more like..releasing emotions and stress aka counselling. yes, blogger is my counsellor. keng kan.....)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lima S Empat? Kelas saya la tu....

i am so annoyed with my class.. half my class act like monkeys. not to say
i'm mature or something. but they act like monkeys. literally.
monkeys and dogs that bark
till they learn howda fly

okay so forgive me on my harshness and bad moodness,
but they really know howda behave like normal f5s
that are actually worried for spm.

had physic2 and physics3 today. wasn't really prepared. heh..

and in the midst of the annoyance for not being able to answer properly,
my class, like every other exam, were
screaming and walking about..during exam. and all the
kind-hearted and super patient teachers only smile and
ask them nicely to keep quiet
or sit down. some teachers even bawa student talk.
my goodness.. exam la..-.-

i couldn't stand it after a while, which was..
20 minutes before our paper needed to
be handed up. so i marah la.. then they stare at me.
then they quiet down for 5 minutes. that was the
happiest moment of the entire exam. and after
five minutes, they resume their habits of animalisme. -.-

and it's not like you tegur them and then they listen
and keep quiet. they'll be like talking about everything in the world.
and then someone would get pissed:
"ui diam ba.."

then the noisy half of the class imitates in sarcasm and glee:
"uiiiiiiiiiiiii diam ba.. tau ka exam skrang niiiiiii.."
" uiiiiiiiiiiii knapa bising sangat.. ui uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii diam leeeee........... nanti kena marah oh.." 'uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, sijil pelajaran malaysia kamu nanti kau mau fail?" "uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.............................."

and then kan.. the noisy people yang ask me for answers,
after the exam, before passing paper up to teacher.

"eh power de unit is it watts?"

and etc etc on everything else they did to make my class interesting today..

it seems that they don't care how every other student that aren't joining their care-less being don't wanna fail for every single subject. that they don't care how practically all the teachers give up on my class already. that they don't care how our class teacher don't even wanna teach us due to the
lack of respect for teachers and energy put into studying
and listening in class
when teacher's teaching and the
endless complaints teacher gets for our class's misbehavior.
that my class got labeled unofficially as the worse class in the
whole sidang pagi, dicipline wise. that they don't care if they fail their final super-duper important exam, a combination of 5 years in secondary school.
that they don't care about their future. don't care about what if they needa go
repair the road or something to find money in the future. or work
for dbkk and pungut sampah. yea sure they get
like rm300 per house for emptying the rubbish bin and that's quite alot to earn.
but hey i don't wanna work with banana peels and
cockroaches crawling out from the rubbish bin..

it is so obvious, that
i really don't like my class. -.-
can't concentrate..
applied for another class already
but the school doesn't allow us to switch classes this year.
except when pecutan. heh...

~17 years old. leaders of the school. acting 10 times worse than a 7 year old kid.
oh wow what's happening to this world..

oh tadi pn chung came to invigilate my class,
it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
she garang ba..-.- lol..
she also cut my friend's hair during exam. XD XD

Thursday, April 23, 2009

how come Lok Yuk punya f5 exam schedule put all the
science paper1 at the last week at the last days de..
and all the paper2/3 early early..

tomorrow's eng paper. i'm so excited.
can write long long essay.. XD -.-

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This is SMK Lok Yuk

exam's starting in 5 days.

i haven't studied. why? cz there's just too many hw to do. hw just piles up exactly when it's exam time. and then there's moral project that needs to be handed in in two days. apparantly my whole class have not completed one more project. and we need to complete in in 2 days. and we just found out.. cz my moral teacher never told us anything about it. if my friend hadn't found out from other classes about the due date for moral file, we probably wouldn't be able to pass moral for spm. -.- ish..

and eventually i get to do notice board for seekers again.. and teacher wants it done and pretty in 2 days. and she just told me about it today. wa.. ketara la...

i don't wanna do notice board la.. spm lo.. don't needa study? notice board would make me stay back after school for weeks just to beautify it.. and my class notice board is already annoying enough. teachers kept complaining about what a depressing a state it's in. cz i do it without semangat. of course la.. last year i spent how many hours doing notice board liao. do it again this year? skrang ada lagi notice board seekers. hish..

ada lagi tarian seekers for hari guru. it's a good thing audition's postponed to after exam. but even though it's after exam, there's still not enought time to prepare. cz i'll bet noone wants to have prax during exam. and now we've only got 3 dancers. and teacher wants 6. and nooone else's willing/able to dance. and i terpaksa pull out from helping edwina choreo the dance. cz of seekers notice board. -.-

ahh the busy-ness of lok yuk. wanna have all the activities and everthing else when it's exam time..what more wanna involve those f5 students yang needa study. form4 pula don't involve them enough. padahal they so much free-er than us.

i don't know what i'm talking about. i just feel like..melodramaticizing everything.. weee... hello..

~i wish i'm not so easily influenced..

Thursday, April 2, 2009

hehe.. birthday was on monday.. a memorable birthday. thanks for those who spent it with me. i had a great time. =D

received some pressies...hehe..=P

darylie's all the way from aussie. ooo... thanks dav! love it. =P

meet hobo. from hannah.. so cute.. =D

this cake is nice..=P someone came to my house to deliver it to me when i wasn't home. up till now, i still don't know who gave this to me.. O.o -.- if it's anyone of you who gave me this cake, tell me yea..i sad tu if you don't..=( XD

~i'm not gonna allow anyone to hug darylie or hobo. yes, go cry in distress. XD