1 Thessalonians 3:5 - For this reason, when I could bear it no longer, I sent to learn about your faith, for fear that somehow the tempter had tempted you and our labor would be in vain.
i feel at a loss. i spent so much training, time, effort, tears, prayers into this. there were even conflicts. all these were suppose to assist in building our family up.
when paul left the thessalonians church, he left them in a totally unprepared situation. the thessalonians were new believers, yet they continued to grow in faith. they even became an example to the christians in greece (1 thessalonians 1:7)
when i left, i did not leave the family unprepared. i spent months preparing and training and praying. indeed it was not in the best situation, but i saw potential there for growth in numbers. there were so many opportunities. now it's all gone.
my work was all in vain.
about 5 years ago, this exact same thing happened. there was a leader, she left and then our family broke apart and we went our seperate ways.
about 2 years ago, i had this strong determination to gather the passionate and willing, and to rebuild what we had dismissed. there were hard times. but we managed to pull through and stick together for 2 years.
until i left.
then our family broke apart again and we went our seperate ways.
'history repeats itself'. why is this happening? there were explanations, but all i could hear was opportunities being dismissed and forgotten.
could you see their potential like i could?
here's a tip, before you leave, make sure all your debts are paid, and that all your responsibilities are passed down to another potential and passionate.
i have now 3 months, to try and recover back what was yet again dismissed. may the Lord be my guide.
i feel at a loss. i spent so much training, time, effort, tears, prayers into this. there were even conflicts. all these were suppose to assist in building our family up.
when paul left the thessalonians church, he left them in a totally unprepared situation. the thessalonians were new believers, yet they continued to grow in faith. they even became an example to the christians in greece (1 thessalonians 1:7)
when i left, i did not leave the family unprepared. i spent months preparing and training and praying. indeed it was not in the best situation, but i saw potential there for growth in numbers. there were so many opportunities. now it's all gone.
my work was all in vain.
about 5 years ago, this exact same thing happened. there was a leader, she left and then our family broke apart and we went our seperate ways.
about 2 years ago, i had this strong determination to gather the passionate and willing, and to rebuild what we had dismissed. there were hard times. but we managed to pull through and stick together for 2 years.
until i left.
then our family broke apart again and we went our seperate ways.
'history repeats itself'. why is this happening? there were explanations, but all i could hear was opportunities being dismissed and forgotten.
could you see their potential like i could?
here's a tip, before you leave, make sure all your debts are paid, and that all your responsibilities are passed down to another potential and passionate.
i have now 3 months, to try and recover back what was yet again dismissed. may the Lord be my guide.

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