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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Was my work all in vain?

1 Thessalonians 3:5 - For this reason, when I could bear it no longer, I sent to learn about your faith, for fear that somehow the tempter had tempted you and our labor would be in vain.

i feel at a loss. i spent so much training, time, effort, tears, prayers into this. there were even conflicts. all these were suppose to assist in building our family up.

when paul left the thessalonians church, he left them in a totally unprepared situation. the thessalonians were new believers, yet they continued to grow in faith. they even became an example to the christians in greece (1 thessalonians 1:7)

when i left, i did not leave the family unprepared. i spent months preparing and training and praying. indeed it was not in the best situation, but i saw potential there for growth in numbers. there were so many opportunities. now it's all gone.

my work was all in vain.

about 5 years ago, this exact same thing happened. there was a leader, she left and then our family broke apart and we went our seperate ways.

about 2 years ago, i had this strong determination to gather the passionate and willing, and to rebuild what we had dismissed. there were hard times. but we managed to pull through and stick together for 2 years.

until i left.

then our family broke apart again and we went our seperate ways.

'history repeats itself'. why is this happening? there were explanations, but all i could hear was opportunities being dismissed and forgotten.

could you see their potential like i could?

here's a tip, before you leave, make sure all your debts are paid, and that all your responsibilities are passed down to another potential and passionate.

i have now 3 months, to try and recover back what was yet again dismissed. may the Lord be my guide.

Back to basics

sometimes we get so busy with trying to be holy in front of others that we forget what was suppose to be the main focus. sometimes we focus on getting into ministries, giving tithe and offerings, training of leadership. these are all natural when it comes to christianity, these are the 'add-ons' that we should have.

but ultimately, everything centres on this:

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

Hebrews 10:26 - Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received a full knowledge of the truth, there is no other sacrifice that will cover these sins.

christianity isn't about being holy. it's about believing, accepting, and following Jesus Christ's way.

being holy, it's an add-on to christianity. =)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Graduated Demons

So IN HELL Academy 3 Demons just Graduated and before sending them to the world the Devil would like to know their plans

So Demon (1) what have you got planed to destroy the relationship between God and Humans.

I'm going to tell them that there is no such thing as a God and that when you die you just fade out of the world

*nods his head* I see, I see ( not so good, everybody knows there is a God)

How about you Demon(2) what are your plans?

I'm going to tell the humans that if you worship the devil they can have anything they desire form being famous to being a billionare

*nods his head* I see I see (still not good enough the humans know God will bless them even more if they follow Jesus)

so Demon(3) how about you ? ( hoping for a good plan)

I'm going to tell the Humans there is a God and there exist a place called Heaven and Hell. But i'm also going to tell them they have NO RUSH IN ACCEPTING JESUS IN THEIR LIFE, THEY CAN TAKE ALL THE TIME THEY NEED. DOING ALL THE THINGS THEY WANT TO DO, NO RUSH AT ALL

*smiles* That is a Wonderful plan ! Now this is a true graduate!!

Quite True also, the devil is smart and he knows our weakness, sometimes we say " one day i'm going to do that" well honestly that "one day" ,may never come right? :P

Procrastinating is the Problem

(entire post extracted from http://ronaldfooronald.tumblr.com/)

[sorry ronald, for stealing this. =)]

Thursday, October 14, 2010


(photo by http://nickersandinkblog.blogspot.com)

everyone's been tired before. be it physically tired, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. being tired is seen as normal and everyone goes through it in life.

however, as christians we should not be spiritually tired. why? because when we receive Christ into our lives, we are given a new spirit, thus it is said that we are spiritually born again. this new spirit given to us by God is meant to last for eternity, even while we are in heaven. in heaven, we are given new bodies, but not spirits. and this spirit, because it given by God specially for us, should not grow weary and tired.

Jesus, He was never tired spiritually. sure He got tired physically (John 4:6 “Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon.”). but Jesus was not spiritually tired.

Jesus always retreated to pray in isolated areas, away from society, away from the things of the world. He always retreated to pray before He got spiritually tired. because well, God was His source of strength.

Mark 1:35 “And early in the morning, while it was still dark, He arose and went out and departed to a lonely place, and was praying there.”

Mark 6:46 “And after bidding them farewell, he departed to the mountain to pray.”

Luke 6:12 “And it was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.”

Luke 5:16 “But He Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.”

indeed, christians get tired easily, because we try so hard to please God and the devil tries to prevent us from doing that.


Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

retreat and pray to God, before you get tired.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Life. Unpredictability. Uncertainty.

the news of tragedy regarding steffi's family came so shockingly sudden. wow. i can't imagine how much pain this is causing her right now. =( wish i was back in kk right now so i can hug her and share the sorrow with her without the distance. but..i'm in perth . =( gonna try give her a call tomorrow...funeral's tomorrow. =(

odd, after i received this news, i was reminded once again of how fragile and unpredictable life is. the people you love around you, they might be gone the next moment and you'll never see them again. the ones you had a fight with yesterday, they might vanish from the face of the earth tomorrow. the future is so uncertain, so unseen.

as christians, we always say 'i'll preach tomorrow. i'll love tomorrow. i'll.......' but what if there is no tomorrow for one of your loved ones who is an unbeliever?

i got freaked out when God reminded me of how i may not have alot of time left to preach to the ppl i love around me. life is so uncertain, God can decide to take someone i love away from me. and that person would be gone as an unbeliever.

knowing if i had missed the opportunity to share God's love and be used as a vessel to save, would crush my heart. knowing that just because i was afraid of rejection, afraid of sharing, and hence someone is left to burn in everlasting fire would cause........unexplainable horiffic guilt to overwhelm.

Luke 9:61-62 = Another said "Yes Lord, I will follow you, but first, let me say goodbye to my family." But Jesus told him. "Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."

'..anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back...'

don't tell God you want to serve Him (put your hand into the plow), but say you want to serve Him later (look back). serve Him now. start preaching now. start loving now. time is limited.
