Sunday, December 18, 2011
Relieving or Restoring
And often, we are taken granted of (in a sense), and we end up hurt.
And he said that instead of providing our help (which may only be temporary relieve for the person, but the problem isn't exactly solved), we should offer restoration (giving the person what he/she truly needs - Jesus Christ). Because relieve only dampens the problem for a short while whilst restoration gets them to God, and solves the problem.
Galatians 6:1 - ''Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.''
BUT the problem is (there always is a problem) how do I know how to restore the person instead of merely providing temporary relieve? How do I know if my actions are relieving or restoring?
Saturday, November 26, 2011
My hands were itching all over. I want to tear all of them down. I wanted to push the cabinets and make all the idols fall and smash on the floor.
But obviously I didn't.
Now as I reflect how I angry I felt when I saw all the idols, I remember. Hey. Idols arent just physical items. Idols mean placing something -anything above God. Which includes my studies, work, even my family.
Wow, how could I judge my dad for having idols when I have idols in my life too - studies, work, family.
Romans 2:23 - You who boast in the Law, through your breaking the Law, do you dishonour God?
Matthew 7:3 - Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
How can I judge when I myself fall in this area.
Sorry God. :(
Monday, July 4, 2011
But then....
Imagine this same couple, whereby overtime, something occured along the line and one side of marriage was unfaithful.
The beans was spilled to the other side. The marriage crumbles.
Intense grief overtakes the faithful one.
Betrayal. Adultery. Selfishness.
Do you realise, that this can be reflect with us and God as well?
Marriage (and sex) was suppose to symbolize the unity of us with Himself (Ephesians 5:31-32). Therefore, when we accept Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, God's perfect Son, we are united to the Father.
The thing is, sometimes man becomes unfaithful, and begin to worship others apart from God. We don't put Him first, we don't do His will, we don't acknowledge that He is Almighty God.
Isn't that where 'the effects of divorce' comes in?
Intense grief.
Betrayal. Adultery. Selfishness
Coming from my background, I do know at least to some extend, of how unimaginably horrible a divorce is. Even more so, I've heard testimonies of issues regarding divorce.
Now let me tell you, if a divorce could hurt man so much so that life seems meaningless, what more when we are unfaithful to God.
God loves us way more than anyone could ever love us. Being unfaithful to Him after He sent Himself on the cross to pay for our punishment, it's just the biggest fattest ugliest deal of intense grief for God and betrayal, adultery, and selfishness from us.
Friends, don't ignore God anymore while He gives us a second chance. Put Him first. Or He will ignore you when the time comes.
Matthew 7:21 - 'Not everyone who says to Me, ''Lord, Lord,'' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven will enter'.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Thoughts going through my head:
- cannot shower
- cannot flush toilet
- cannot wash dishes
- cannot wash clothes
- cannot water plants
- cannot even drink water
Shortly after, WY called to tell me that Water Corporation (our lovely water supplier) will require 3 working days to reconnect our water supply.
3 freaking long days. I cried. How would I survive without water? Who can survive without water?
Yes I was feeling scared.
A song popped out of my lips amidst all this chaos in my mind though.
'It is good to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to Your Name, O Most High,
To declare Your loving kindness in the morning and Your faithfulness everynight.'
It was a song I learnt years ago from Praise Kids Church. This phrase is even found in Psalms 92: 1-2.
About an hour later, Jaclyn arrived home from work. She too was frantic and started to call her friends living nearby, asking for help. After that, we started talking about how important water is, how it is more important than gas or electricity.
Out of impulse (sort of), I began reciting a verse. 'Seek first the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you all that you need.' Jaclyn and I both ended the verse with 'Matthew 6:33'. I then looked up to God, 'God, this is what we really need - water'.
IMMEDIATELY after that, we heard water running nearby.
We both screamed and jumped and rushed to the source. Couldn't believe it at first, I actually thought the water was coming from our neighbour's house. I was such a fool.
'Can you hear water?!! Can you hear that sound?! Is that really water??!!!!'
I reached to the bathroom tap. Felt excited, had faith, but a small part of me didn't know what to expect. I turned the tap on.
And it wasn't like a drop or two. There was so much water flowing out, the tap looked as if it would explode.
Isn't God just plain marvelous, wonderful, amazing, gracious. He heard my cry, He kept to His Word.
Isaiah 40:8 - 'The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever.'
See, ya just gotta have a lil bit of faith. And seek God.
Oh btw, memorizing God's Word is a good idea. :)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter Day
Okies so I know I'm a day late, but I was at Easter camp. =D
(sorry, bad photo quality. we were in Crystal Cave. )
But, when you receive Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, your source of confidence becomes on the Lord. Your focus becomes to serve God and the people around you, and everything else just falls away. Nothing else matters. Not fortune, not fashion, not popularity, not music etc. Thoughts on elevating your self-esteem just disappears. Cz you don't need those for confidence. You have confidence through God, knowing that He'll take care of you. That's why your focus is on the people around you, to show God's love to them.
Hope this helps in your walk with God, in some ways, cz it did for me. =)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
God has His plans, even for the little baby
Imagine the feeling of loss and grief. And throughout today, I've wondered many times: 'why God?' She was the perfect person to be a parent. I've never seen anyone controlling kids as well as she does. And she's one of the most joyful, smiley person I've ever met. Adding onto that, she was incredibly excited over her pregnancy. Like seriously, not 1 week pass by when I don't see her face lighting up with joy when she talks about the baby. Moreover, the entire staff in KIS were just as excited as she was. Almost everytime someone pass by her, they would comment about her belly. 'Your belly is beginning to show!', and a huge grin would be plastered on her face.
Today was the first day of going back to KIS after a 3 week holiday. All the staff were talking about the disheartening news. And as I pondered on my original question, I remembered what I read yesterday during devotion:
Things happen not because we don't have enough faith, or because we do not pray enough. God is in control of everything and He has His own plans, for the better. And nothing we can do can change God's plans.
Isaiah 46:10 - I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say ' My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.'
I may not know why God did what He did, but I am assured that He knows what He's doing. And I hope my dear colleague knows that too.